Evans Lookout


NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service


Blue Mountains National Park, NSW


2021 - 2022

Evans Lookout Access Upgrade provides an inclusive nature based  experience, enabling a wider range of visitors to appreciate the natural beauty of the area and foster a greater appreciation for the importance of preserving and protecting our natural heritage.The design approach ensured that the site remained true to its historical and cultural significance while also meeting modern accessibility standards.

Full Story

”NewScape Design were committed to creating accessible spaces to meet Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliance and accommodate the needs of all visitors while preserving the natural environment and historic heritage value of the site. The NewScape Design team were responsive and innovative throughout the project, collaborating with NPWS to resolve complex design issues.“

Soren Mortensen - Principal Project Officer - National Parks and Wildlife Service


Evans Lookout


Evans Lookout, situated in Blackheath, offers breathtaking views of the Grose Valley wilderness area from its perch on the escarpment edge. Recognising the need for upgraded amenities and infrastructure and the opportunity to enhance the site while ensuring accessibility for visitors of all mobility levels National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) enlisted the expertise of NewScape Design.

Collaborating with NPWS and leading a multi-disciplinary team, NewScape Design developed the concept design, detailed design, and construction documentation for the project. The primary goal was to maintain the site’s natural ambiance and preserve the surrounding environment, all while adhering to Australian Standards for accessibility. The pathway connecting the lookout to the car park was carefully aligned, considering width, gradient, and minimising switchbacks to reduce visual impact. The design also prioritised the retention of existing trees and incorporated bush regeneration efforts to mitigate any potential environmental impacts. Furthermore, the inclusion of bespoke DDA compliant seating, crafted from local sandstone and timber, provided a tactile and natural surface for all visitors to sit back and savour the sweeping views. The original lookout’s heritage design language was continued with the selection of materials and patterns on stone paving to seamlessly integrate the upgrades into the existing features of the site.

The result is a universally accessible nature-based experience that not only embraces the European heritage of the site but also upholds the environmental and cultural values intrinsic to the park, employing a delicate and thoughtful approach.

Following the design phase, NewScape was further engaged by the construction contractor Cherry Civille to provide services during the construction phase. Evans Lookout was completed and opened to the public in late 2022, inviting visitors of all levels of mobility to immerse themselves in its captivating beauty.
